A Day in the Mind of Kori: Morning Anxiety

Whew, that dream was crazy lol.

Thank God I’m awake now.

Wait. What time is it?

*checks phone*

Ugh! Six-thirty. Time to get up.

I do NOT want to get out of this bed right now.

Lord, can I please just have a few more minutes?

It’s so warm and cozy in here.

And so cold out there.

I’m not ready for my toes to turn into icicles on the floor.

Not ready to sift through all the to-dos of today.

Not ready to break my seal of rest and comfort.

I do gotta pee though.

But I’ll just hold it for a few more minutes.

I’d much rather lie here, in bed, where it’s safe.

Where I don’t have to worry about what people think of me,

Or what I think people think of me,

Which is really just me projecting what I think of myself onto other people. (*googles therapist*)

Not ready for the laundry list of tasks waiting to get done…

For work (my 9-5),

And work after work (my business),

And housework,

And the devil’s work (laundry),

And all the self-work required to be a better human.

I just don’t have it in me today, Lord.

Not feeling it, can’t lie.

So can I please just lie here,

In bed,

For a few more minutes?

Wait. What time is it?

*checks phone*

Ugh! Seven ‘o clock,

On the dot.

I’m in my drop top cruisin’ the str—

You know what, let me usher myself up outta this bed.